
Fatigue. At some time in every life cycle there is a point of fatigue. It happens to the steel used to build bridges, to athletes during the course of a season, to ordinary people and to social media. Social media fatigue or SMF as i just decided to call it, is a multidirectional street. You get tired of telling the world about your life or events you deem important, the world gets tired of listening, services such as myspace become unwanted or irrelevant.

As with anything in life, we how we deal with it, in this case SMF, will set the table for how successful we may be with our social media endeavors.

Should we just give up on the whole thing? Maybe just for a short while, a holiday if you will. Maybe slog through it and keep posting, tweeting and updating until we get our second wind. I tend to favor the latter options. There are those that would just shut everything done and consider social media a waste of time, I don’t. I am a social person by nature and some of the relationships I have built on line have ended up being stronger than those based the physical world. Why would I want to leave those behind?

We take a vacation in the real world there isn’t a reason why we shouldn’t in the online world. Shut it down for a few days, I mean really shut it down. Relax for a few days and come back recharged.

The internet and social media will still be there when you get back.

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