the escape

If you follow me either via twitter or facebook you probably realize I have a few non-essential needs. The need to be sarcastic in many of my tweets (I do hold off quite a bit being that with 140 characters sarcasm often makes one look like a complete jackwagon). The need to share, after all it is social media. The need to offer suggestions, which could technically fall under the need to share. And of course the need to try out new software and tweet, facebook and blog about it.

Lately I have been taking a lot of pictures with my iPhone and running those images through some pretty cool apps and posting them on flickr and As a matter of fact it was the instagram app that has lead me down the path of exploring iPhoneography and what can be accomplished.

I also have been encouraging my eldest son to do something other than play his DSi. I ended up downloading a pretty cool app made by graf, the same folks that created the wonderful PictureShow app for filtering your iPhone photos. This other app is called StopMotion. Can you guess what it does? Yep, that’s right folks it helps

You create stop motion videos. Once I created one my son had to too. It is a great piece of software for 99¢ and even of you don’t think you would have an interest in this sort of thing you might find it a nice distraction from playing Zombiefarm, Angry Birds, Cut the rope or whatever the game of the month might be. You can see a simple example which took me less than 5 minutes to produce.

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